How do you write with yourself or with you

With you or with you? Surely on more than one occasion you have asked yourself how you should write this term, whether separately or, on the contrary, jointly as a single word. In the Spanish language, due to the formation of some words, it is very common to get to raise this type of doubt, and for you to solve this in particular, in the following article we explain in detail how you write with you or with you . Pay attention and leave doubts!

with you

The term 'with you' is, as we can see in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), a personal pronoun in the second person singular that is used under the meaning of 'next to you'.


  • This afternoon I will go with you to buy the Christmas presents.
  • If you want, I can be with you until your sister arrives.
  • Do you want me to go with you to the doctor?

with you

However, even if there is confusion between them, we should write this term together or separately, you should know that the form 'with you' is not included in the dictionary, as it is completely incorrect .

Therefore, we can conclude that the correct way to write this personal pronoun will always be 'with you' in a single word.