How do you write alcohol, alcohol or alcohol?

When writing, it is very common for doubts of various kinds to arise, about grammar, spelling, style or others. It is very common to make mistakes with the "h" interspersed, as well as with the accents. This is clearly seen when thinking about the word "alcohol", which many people write erroneously with the "h" wrongly placed, without the "h", with accent in the second "o", with only one "o", etc.

If you have doubts about how to write alcohol, alcohol or alcohol, you have come to the right place because we explain in what way is correct in Spanish and the reasons why other ways are not very simple. If you want to improve your writing and not misspelling, read on!


This is the correct way to write "alcohol", that is, with two "o" and one "h" interspersed between them. In Castilian language and, in general in the Spanish language, no other way of writing this word is admitted as correct.

Meaning of the word alcohol according to the RAE

According to the Dictionary of the Spanish language, managed by the Royal Spanish Academy, the word "alcohol" has different meanings or meanings accepted. Specifically, it is a word that comes from Hispanic Arabic, which in turn came from the word " kuhl " of classical Arabic, and that is a masculine name and its plural is " alcohols ". Among the different meanings of the word "alcohol" we find defined by the RAE:

  • In chemistry: alcohol is each organic compound that contains the hydroxyl group attached to an aliphatic radical or to some derivative thereof. It is part of many natural compounds, it is used in laboratories, one of its modified products is the 96º alcohol or pharmacy alcohol that is used to treat wounds or disinfect tissues, among other meanings.
  • Alcoholic beverage: a drink that contains alcohol, in greater or lesser amounts, and that produces an intoxicating effect and its abuse is very harmful to health.

In addition, there are different types of alcohols, some are:

  • Absolute alcohol
  • Pharmacy alcohol
  • Alcohol to burn
  • Denatured alcohol
  • Wood alcohol
  • Ethyl alcohol
  • Methyl alcohol
  • Neutral alcohol
  • Iodized alcohol
  • Wine alcohol

Sample sentences with keyword "alcohol"

  • Alcohol abuse is harmful to health.
  • Do not drink alcohol if you are going to drive.
  • He had drunk so much alcohol that the next day he had a hangover.
  • The knee wound was disinfected with pharmacy alcohol.
  • I'll clean up that stain with alcohol to burn.


This way of writing this word is not correct because, although the word "alcohol" has its tonic syllable in the last syllable (al-co-hol), this word ends with -ly, therefore, it must not have an accent. Remember that sharp words are those that have the strong syllable or tonic at the end, like this one, and only accentuate when they also end in -no-s.

Remember that the accentuation rules in Spanish language are to emphasize:

  • Sharp words that end in a vowel "n" or "s".
  • Plain words that do not end in a vowel "n" or "s".
  • All the words that are esdrújulas are accentuated.
  • The monosyllables are not accentuated, except those that have accent or diacritic tilde to differentiate them from other words that would be written the same, if not for this tilde, although they mean different things.

* Alcol

Written in this way, in Spanish, it is also incorrect, since the second "o" is missing that lengthens the sound of the word and the "h" interspersed. Instead, this is the correct way to write it in Italian .

In addition, it is also badly written "alcool", with two "o" but without "h", since two consecutive "o" s are not written in Spanish and, in order to pronounce it properly and mark the difference, the "h" is inserted. In fact, this word is written as " alcool " in French . Nor is the written form "alchol" correct, with the "h" interspersed but without the first "o" that is also often misused.

How do you write alcohol in other languages

Now that you know how to write alcohol, and the different common misconceptions, you may also be interested in improving your vocabulary in other languages. This is how "alcohol" is written in other languages :

  • Catalan: alcohol
  • Basque or Basque: alkohola
  • Galician: alcohol
  • English: alcohol
  • Italian: alcol
  • French: alcohol
  • Portuguese: álcool
  • German: Alkohol
  • Latin: alkol, ŏlis mn, alcóholum, neutral; Alkohol, Alkholholum.
  • Greek: αλκοaλ (alkoól)

Other doubts about misspellings when we write

It is quite common to have many doubts about a language, whether you are studying a new one or even if it is your mother's or your own. In we want to facilitate the learning of the Castilian language and, for this reason, we have created a variety of articles that help to learn to write are misspellings. You already know how to write "alcohol", which is neither "alchól" nor "alcol", now with these other articles that we propose you can learn to differentiate how to spell correctly other words that can be confused:

  • How to write card or card.
  • How to write from or from.
  • How to write excellent or excellent.
  • How do you write soys or are you?