How to write about or near

In the task of writing well and without committing misspellings it is important to be aware of certain words that may cause confusion. We find many cases of terms that make us doubt whether their correct form should be written together or separately. Therefore, it is best to consult the corresponding information before starting to write any text. in the following article we help you by showing you a clear example, discover how to write about or near .


First, it should be noted that 'about' is used together with the 'from' preposition, resulting in the prepositional phrase 'about', which has the following meaning:

  • "On what it is, in order to do it". Example: I do not agree with your opinion about the economic crisis.

Take into account that the expression 'about' is equivalent to the preposition 'about' . Therefore, if we can replace it with it, it means that we should write 'about' together . Taking the previous example as a reference, we can see that this rule is fulfilled perfectly:

  • I do not agree with your opinion about the economic crisis.
  • I do not agree with your opinion on the economic crisis.

On the other hand, 'about' written together can also refer to the 3rd person of the singular of the present indicative of the verb 'zoom in' . Example:

  • He goes to his house to greet his parents.


'A cerca' written separately and next to the 'de' preposition also results in an adverbial phrase, but in this case it is used to express almost or approximately .


  • In the demonstration were concentrated about 2, 000 people.
  • Nearly 2, 000 people gathered at the demonstration.

Therefore, when we can replace it with the terms 'almost' or 'approximately', we will have to write 'a cerca de' separately.