How do you say come or come

How should you ask or order others to come to the place where you are: come or come ? The truth is that it is a common question at the time of speaking, as well as writing this form of the imperative of the verb to come . If you have also questioned more than once, do not miss this article where we want to resolve clearly and simply if you say come or come.

* come

In the first place, it is important to emphasize that the use of the infinitive as an order is incorrect, since the imperative forms must be used for that purpose. In this way, it is not correct to say * Come here, but it is necessary to say: Come here .

For the same reason, it is also incorrect to say "* veniros" as a 2nd person plural imperative.


In this way, the correct form is to say "come" to refer to the imperative of the verb to come. This is due to the fact that by adding the pronoun to the imperatives, these forms lose the "d" and never become an "r".


  • Come to spend a few days at the beach house
  • Come, it's late!