How to get good grades

Do you think that getting good grades is not an achievable goal? Have you never considered yourself a good student? Succeeding in studies is not a chimera, you just have to adopt certain attitude and habits to achieve success. You have to be willing to work and get the most out of your personal qualities. Everything is possible with effort and motivation, that's why from .com we tell you how to get good grades.

Steps to follow:


The first of the keys to succeed in the studies and get good grades is to know how to organize well. For that you must always have an agenda on hand to record the pending tasks, what you do daily and delivery dates. With a control of tasks you will be able to save and make the most of the time. It is convenient to keep a work calendar, homework and exams in order to organize and plan each of your days. Each day you return from class it is recommended that you review and update your planning. And as you go finishing tasks out of your calendar.


Although it seems obvious to you if you have an organized routine, everything is easier to assimilate. Try to have your area of ​​study and everything that is always related in order because such an environment facilitates concentration and avoids unnecessary waste of time. If everything is organized you can focus on what is really important. Dedicate every day a few minutes to leave everything neat, clean what does not serve you, and leave everything ready so that every day you can get to work or study without delay. So you'll also make sure you do not lose anything and find everything at a glance.

In relation to the order you must also establish a study and task schedule weekly or monthly as best you consider. This way you will know how much time you should dedicate to each topic. Once you have completed the planning, it is important that you always leave space to review topics that you have given in class, or to dedicate time to reinforce areas that cost you a little more. This time of review is worth to note in your planning to meet it. We also advise you to read this other article about how to be more organized in the studies.


Take time to think about what is your way of learning . Not all techniques serve to encourage learning. There are people who learn better visually and others learn better by listening. If you are the type of people who have trouble remembering what has been given in class you will have to look for a technique that facilitates the assimilation of content. When you discover your learning style, try to study your notes, record yourself reciting the lesson, making graphic schemes, visual information support, computer presentations ...

There are many ways to stay with class lessons. You can also take the study material (books or virtual classroom) and read it calmly at home. It is somewhat monotonous but it may be useful to read all the information that teachers overlook. Read each paragraph and think about its meaning. Repeat the reading as long as it takes until it stays etched in your mind and you understand it.


To learn and assimilate all the content you give in class, it is essential to take good notes. It is not about rewriting everything the teacher says, but you should listen and synthesize the information as a summary. Pay special attention to the diagrams, graphs, diagrams and other types of resources that will help you later to learn and understand everything explained in class.

Your notes should be clear and understandable. Use markers to highlight key points that you need to find easily each time you read your notebook. But do not abuse extreme color in your notes, it is just a strategy to emphasize very relevant aspects. In addition to having organized notes, it is advisable to participate in class to show that you know what you are talking about. When you get involved in a class, all the content is burned in your mind.


You must plan your study days to be productive and effective. Not by spending the night studying you will learn or memorize more. You have to organize and study every day. If you have a stable and continuous study routine, you will not have to exceed the days before an exam. It is recommended that you give a good summary of all the content of the subject. This type of summary is a job that you have been doing throughout the quarter or semester of classes.

The night before an exam is not the time to put you to summarize so much agenda. You can even meet with a partner and ask you questions about everything studied to see everything you have understood and retained. Saying the content out loud serves to review over and over again. You can also try to find alternative and fun ways to study. You can make a quiz with cards or even join a study club with motivated people.


If there is a subject in which you get stuck and there is no way forward, ask for help without hesitation. You can talk to your teacher or find a support tutor when you have exhausted all possible ways of understanding. It is not about giving up or going through everything. You have to find the solution to your specific problem. Even apart from talking with your teacher, you may be able to send him emails with doubts, or participate in a forum in the virtual classroom where all the classmates help you.