How to know the multiplication tables

The rules of multiplication are not difficult at all. You just have to start with the elementary "tricks" that will help you combine certain numbers by multiplying them with each other. To do this, follow the following tips that we give you in .com, so you can discover how to know the multiplication tables in a simple way.

Turning math into something fun is essential to improve these skills. For this, nothing better than using games or puzzles that help the child to become familiar with numbers and other mathematical concepts and give them a fun touch . Sudoku, hobbies and other games designed specifically for them, both on paper and on the Internet, will increase the playful nature of these.

Steps to follow:


To learn the multiplication tables you have to start by managing the sum with ease. Remember that multiplication consists of an intermittent chain of sums. In this way you will find it much easier to assimilate the concept of multiplication.


Start by learning simple rules of multiplication . To do this, remember that every number multiplied by 0 always results in 0.

ex: 2x0 = 0; 5x0 = 0; 3.000x0 = 0


Remember that any number multiplied by 1 will always result in the same number.

Ex: 27x1 = 27; 4x1 = 4; 35x1 = 35


Remember that every number multiplied by 10, you should always add a 0.

Ex: 45x10 = 450; 2x10 = 20; 987x10 = 9870.


Begin your multiplications by the table of 2 . To do this, count the numbers 2 in 2: 0.2, 4, 6, 8, etc. From here it starts and remembers that any number multiplied by 2 is the sum of that number with itself.

Ex: 2x8 = 8 + 8 =; 5x2 = 5 + 5 = 10


See table to table. Have each of them on a piece of paper and look for rules of similarity between each one of the results of the numbers of each table, because one of the keys to learn is to understand. Then memorize them.


Memorize each table, one by one aloud, singing each result . This is the best and most effective way to learn multiplication tables.


Learn the multiplication tables through a numerical sequence : it consists of writing in a column the numbers from 0 to 9 and to the right of these numbers, the same sequence but the other way around, from 9 to 0. The result is the table of 9 complete Another trick is the odd or even: There is a very simple rule that never fails: Par x Par = Par, Par x Odd = Par and Odd x Odd = Odd.


Commutative property of multiplication : we must explain to children from the beginning what the commutative property consists of, that is to say that the order of the factors does not alter the product. It gives the same 2x4 that 4x2.

  • You will find specialized booklets that will help you memorize multiplication.
  • We must integrate multiplication tables into the child's daily life. In the purchase we can ask you to look for the lowest price of a product or to calculate, for example, how many pieces of fruit will be necessary for the whole family. In the car, we can ask you to calculate the distance that remains to arrive ..., etc.
  • The kitchen is a particularly suitable place to learn mathematics, since weights and measures should be used. Cooking with them will allow the child to exercise their mathematical skills and enjoy eating what he has prepared.