How to prepare an exam

Everything needs effort to be achieved, there are no miracles or magic pills to pass. The exams are a source of anxiety, so you should be calm when it comes to studying and doing it. To prepare an exam you have good, you have to follow the instructions that we give you below.

Steps to follow:


Make sure you understand the subject well and if you have any questions ask the teacher and / or consult the bibliography (books, encyclopedias, Internet, a partner ...).


You have to have the notes up to date so you must be in class every day and after that you must study every day.


Create a plan and a study schedule. Leaving the preparation for the last days is very likely to suspend, on the other hand, having a good planning during the course allows you to arrive at the exams without stress and with well assimilated knowledge.


You must make a comprehensive reading of the subject that will be studied in order to get the main ideas.


You must study each theme with colored pencils to underline the key ideas and thus facilitate their memorization. Make schemes and summaries to understand the subject.


On the eve of the exam you have to dedicate it to the review of all the concepts that you have learned throughout the study days.


Always try to study in an environment where you do not get distracted.


Finally and parallel to everything else, you should sleep well and eat properly. This will help you feel better and you will be able to perform more on the day of the exam.