How to improve agility

Agility is the ability of people to perform tasks quickly and efficiently and ensures a better performance in all areas where we develop, from home tasks to a project at work. Many of the activities that we do daily our brain performs mechanically, but if we put this organ to work in order to make it more agile, the results are surprising. Discover how to improve agility by reading this entry carefully.

Steps to follow:


One of the most effective activities to improve agility is reading, because among the benefits of reading emphasizes that it allows us to improve understanding while offering culture, widening our knowledge and fills us with creativity and ingenuity. It is best to read something you enjoy and make this habit part of your entertainment. You can start reading what you want, as long as it distracts you and takes you away from your routine.


It may seem that you are old enough to play with children's games, but board games such as memorama, scrabble, sudoku and chess are excellent to exercise memory and improve agility. The concentration and understanding that you must use to be successful in any of these games is the ideal to put your brain to work in order to be more and more agile.


To improve agility it is necessary to challenge your brain . Try to do everything upside down, if you brush your teeth with your right hand, do it with your left, if you go to work in a car, change your route or go one day a week in the subway, if you walk down the same street every day, try to walk down the parallel street. The idea is to distract your brain and surprise you with new things to which you will be very attentive. You'll be surprised!


They say that there are few people as skilled as those who know how to play an instrument . In addition to being an ideal pastime to get out of the routine, lower anxiety and combat stress, learning to play a musical instrument boosts the capabilities of your mind and establishes connections between learning, memory and action.


Learning a new word every day is excellent for improving agility. The idea is to open the dictionary at random, choose a word we do not know, discover its meaning and try to use it in our vocabulary. Memory and knowledge working hard for your agility.


Eating a healthy diet, low in fat and rich in protein and vegetables is extremely important to improve agility. However, there are foods to improve memory that will be very useful for your purpose. What we eat is very important to keep our brain healthy and active.


Many intelligence tests are available on the Internet, which allow you to know your IQ, agility and dexterity. You can start doing this test to know how you are doing, put our advice into practice and evaluate your evolution.