How to identify a false friend

Many people have trouble detecting when someone has sincere intentions, which causes them to end up disappointed in the world around them when they discover that many people approach only with a certain interest . Friendship is not built easily and requires a lot of respect and love to accept another as it is and want it despite everything in your life, if not, what is the purpose? That's why in .com we give you the keys so you know how to identify a false friend and get it out of your life, well better only than badly accompanied. Photo: Google Images

Steps to follow:


In the first place, creating a solid friendship takes a long time, someone who wants to be your intimate friend overnight should be seen with caution, since intimacy, trust and respect are gained little by little.


One of the easiest ways to identify a false friend is to notice when it appears in your life: if you are well, happy, living a good time will be there with you to share laughter and fun, but when you have a problem, when the picture does not look so Encouragingly, this "friend" simply disappears. False friends just want to be present at good times


A false friend is one who gets and thinks about your life (whether personal or work) always with a bad intention . Do not lose opportunity to highlight your mistakes, tell you that you have failed and make you feel bad, this is because in some way you are happy with your failures


A good friend tells you what he thinks about you on your face and does not talk behind your back. If you know that person lives criticizing you with others but never has the courage to tell you face to face we guarantee that it is not a good company


Friendship implies respect, if a person constantly devalues ​​you, makes you feel bad, does not respect your opinions or decisions, it is not a good friend or even a good companion to party, so the best thing to do is limit the contact


Do not give space to other types of personalities such as: the negatives, who constantly see the bad side of everything you do, the envious ones who would like to have what you have and get eaten up with your successes, the intruders who do nothing but get into your affairs without you calling them


Attention with intuition, we often suspect that someone is not a good person and therefore is not a good friend, but we do not have the courage to cut the relationship. If you think that someone does not benefit you at all and it would be preferable if you were far away then avoid getting intimate with that person