How to avoid someone who does not like you

Human relationships are not easy and sometimes we must share with people who are not to our liking, but this does not mean that we are hypocrites or poorly educated, and that although there is no empathy between you and that person is important to maintain education . We can find someone who does not like us in our work, in the family environment, in the school or university and even among our closest friends, because there are always people who come and go and who may not be of our complete pleasure.

So what to do in those cases? In .com we give you some tips so that you discover how to avoid someone who does not like you without being heavy or badly educated.

Learn to mark distances

It is important to be clear that avoiding someone who does not like you does not mean that you mistreat that person, that you ignore them or that you offend them. It simply means that you prevent that person from being linked to your personal life or your emotions, and for that there is nothing better than knowing how to mark distances .

Do not get involved with that person intimately or even out of courtesy, do not tell private things or say anything compromising in their presence, nor do you give personal opinions in front of their person. Have with him or her the strict courtesy treatment that is necessary, without entering the personal field.

Do not reveal your own discomfort

Some specialists indicate that when someone does not like us it is important to never reveal our discomfort to that person, as this could affect our image in front of our environment. This recommendation is especially important when that person is in our work or family environment.

That's why the most advisable thing is that when you have to talk to him, always do it with a neutral face, a balanced tone of voice that is not too serious and maintaining eye contact. Using gestures of displeasure, being too serious and cutting or avoiding eye contact are some of the signals we emit when someone does not like us, however, it would be appropriate to try to behave more neutrally and use self-control to achieve it .

Put things in perspective

Why do you dislike that person? Is it something you can solve? Is there anything you can do to improve the situation?

Many times we have mania for someone for small unimportant situations, for things that irritate us and that we do not talk on time or because the personality of both does not stop crashing. Whatever the reason, the fact is that you are the only person able to make the situation affect you less . Avoid giving importance to all those details that are annoying, do not spend your time to think much about that person and try to make the situation simply matter less.

We assure you that the less importance you give to everything, the less it will affect you in your day to day life.

Consider the dialogue

Are you sure that the best solution is to avoid someone who does not like you? There are cases in which it is not necessary to encourage dialogue to try to approach, for example when it is someone who does not belong to our environment or we see only sporadically, however there are situations in which these differences could generate great discomfort.

It is important to consider the dialogue when the person you do not like:

  • Work directly with you and your team.
  • It is part of your family circle and you see it frequently.
  • It is part of your social circle and you also meet frequently.
  • It is someone important to a person close to you.

If between you there have been conflicts not solved in the past, then the best thing is to sit down and speak them. Discuss, apologize for what has been your responsibility, listen to the other and file rough edges to make the situation more bearable, this can significantly improve the environment and make things easier for everyone.

Avoid contact as much as you can

If you do not even consider the possibility of dialogue, or if after speaking everything remains the same, then it is best to avoid any kind of close contact with that person. If it is part of a close environment, avoid staying alone with that person so you do not see forced to have a conversation you do not want, always try to be in the company of others and if possible stay in another group so that person can not get irritated .

Do not share your personal spaces with that person and have the minimum treatment required by the rules of courtesy, but without going further. It is also important not to try to give the conversation a foothold or to tell you your intimate things, whenever you can try to quickly end the conversations with that person so that they do not go for more.

Do not shout to the four winds that you feel bad

Finally, even if someone misses you very badly, it is important that you do not shout it to the four winds because you could hurt the feelings of the other person . Sometimes we can not stand someone because both personalities collide, but maybe the other does not feel the same towards you or would feel very uncomfortable knowing what you think about him or her.

Especially if this person is in your family or your work environment, it is important that you be discreet and reserved in terms of your opinion and feelings, thus causing the least possible harm.