How is the Nasal Cavity?

The nasal cavity is divided by the nasal septum in the right and left nostrils. The nasal cavity opens in the back, through the choanae, in the nasal portion of the pharynx. Next we explain how is the nasal cavity, function of the nasal cavity and characteristics.

How is the nasal cavity

The nasal cavity looks somewhat like a triangle isóceles to the frontal cut. Each pit has a medial or septal wall, a side wall, a roof and a floor. With the exception of the roof, the walls of the nasal passages are covered by respiratory mucosa (red pituitary).

Parts of the nasal cavity

The floor of the nasal fossa, is formed mainly by the maxilla; The palatal bone is located posteriorly. The medial wall of the nasal fossa is the nasal septum shared by both nostrils; the septum is cartilaginous in the anterior area and bony towards the posterior area, formed by the vomer bone and the perpendicular lamina of the ethmoid.

Function of the nostril

Thanks to the nostrils, the air that enters our lungs is moist and warm, thanks to the hairs. Also those hairs help foreign particles do not enter the respiratory system, as they act broqueando their passage. Also, as we all know (especially in winter or when it is very cold), the nostrils are responsible for expelling what bothers the respiratory system, through mucus.