How to write using English phonetics

Phonics is a great way for beginning readers to learn to write, as it revolves around the sounds of letters, rather than simply trying to memorize the composition of words completely. Phonics is effective because many words are written exactly how they sound. Take the word "dog", for example. By pronouncing their letters, phonics students can reasonably infer how the word is written. While many words do not follow a phonetic pattern, which could lead to some confusion in the future, using phonics is an easy and rewarding way to teach beginners how to write.

Steps to follow:


Familiarize yourself with the sound of each letter in the English language. Recognize that many letters have multiple sounds ("C", for example, can make a soft sound - "city" - or a hard sound - "Cat"), but many words have clues to help distinguish when each sound should be used . A link to a complete guide to the phonetics method can be found in the resources section below.


Make the sound of the word based on the composition of each letter. "Barn", for example, would be a relatively simple word to explain using phonetics, because it is short and remains true to its phonetic spelling. "Incubator", on the other hand, could be a bit more difficult because it's a longer word.


Group words according to phonetic rules, such as adding a suffix after cutting the final letter of a word (for example, "cry-cried" or "spy-spied"). Take note of the words with the variations of spelling in its plural form (woman-women).


Review words that phonetics do not cover, such as "said" or "have". Familiarizing yourself with those words will help you avoid potential spelling mistakes created through the use of phonetics

  • Relying solely on phonetics to help spelling can lead to repeated spelling mistakes.