How to answer difficult questions intelligently

Are there situations in which you stay blank? If you are a shy person or you have little gift of people it is possible that, at times, you have found yourself in the position of not knowing how to answer a question. Then, the sensation that takes possession of you is impotence for not having been able to be quick or answer in a way that you seem intelligent. In this article we give you some tips that will show you how to answer difficult questions intelligently so that you are the techniques you can use in these uncomfortable moments.

Steps to follow:


When we speak of "a disturbing question" we refer to issues that cause controversy or are challenging. For example, questions about: your sexuality, your participation in something potentially illegal, your faith and political convictions, your understanding of something you are supposedly an expert in, your knowledge of someone's infidelity, etc. Basically, it is a penetrating question that disturbs, worries, disgusts.

This is your first defense reaction, do not answer and gain time with answers such as:

  • That is an interesting question. I'll have to think more.
  • I have never thought like that before. Give me some time to analyze this.
  • I need to investigate and then I tell you.
  • Well, that's an interesting question. I would like to respond, but I do not have enough time right now. Can we go back to this topic next time?


Another option you can do is return the question to the questioner. The ways to do it are:

  • Because you want to know?
  • I'm not sure how to formulate my answer. What do you think in the first place?
  • Well, what would you think about this situation?
  • Obviously you have an answer / idea, are you interested in more details about that?


Use silence as a way to give yourself time to think. Reassure the questioner by nodding, maintaining eye contact, and using "comment, such as" Yes, the interesting ... ", and remain silent for a moment while thinking about it. This is one of the techniques to look smarter.


Respond gradually . Do not give all the "one" answer, but measure your answer and make it clear that you need more information. You have to enter into a mutual discussion on the matter, provided that the interlocutor is genuine and also offers their opinions and feelings on the matter.


Refusing to answer while maintaining eye contact and smiling, or at least not looking bad. You firmly affirm that you will not answer that question. If you think the issue has crossed the boundaries of what is appropriate or is too intimate, refusing to respond may be an appropriate option . You could say things like:

  • I appreciate your curiosity, but I do not feel comfortable responding to that.
  • I mean, no offense, do not get in my way.
  • I am very grateful for your interest, but I will not talk about this with you.
  • That is too personal. I'm sorry but I do not feel good sharing that information with you.


Humor is a form of deviation . Humor can be used to avoid answering a question by making a joke or a light joke with self-criticism. Humor can also be used well to answer the question in a joyful way that leaves out the disturbing and harsh elements of the issue. If you want to use this method, you will need to be sure because it is not easy.


If you think the questions are meant to hurt, annoy, or discredit you, there is no harm in expressing your feelings clearly . If someone is used to using questions as a means to obtain information, they may simply forget their good manners and go beyond the limits of communications. In this case, you have every right to ignore your intimidatory interrogation and point out that there are better ways to find information.

It is important that you have confidence in yourself, that is why we give you some tips so that you know how to increase your confidence .