How to trust yourself

Do you need to increase your confidence ? Are you starting a new challenge in your life and feel insignificant? Working on self-confidence is essential to be able to enjoy a satisfying life and learn to feel comfortable with what you do and what you are. Taking the reins of your life, knowing what you like, speaking openly and dare to do new things are aspects that will show you that your life depends only on you and how you want to live it. So, the first step in order to have a full life is to learn to love yourself, value yourself and believe in you . In this article we give you some tips so you know how to trust yourself with recommendations and ideas that will surely help you to achieve it.

Steps to follow:


To begin we will propose something basic to learn to recognize your virtues and start on the path to self-knowledge and acceptance: make a list of your virtues and your faults . It is important that you spend time on it, that you think about yourself, how you feel about yourself and that you are totally sincere .

If you like your legs, do not be afraid to put it on, if you like your good humor, say it outright and if you hate your genius, put it on the list too. Learning to recognize the virtues and defects is to learn to know oneself and begin, thus, to work in confidence with oneself.


The next step is to modify aspects of your behavior that, surely, are decisive in your day to day. In order to have confidence in yourself it is important that you develop positive thinking and that instead of thoughts like "I can not do it", "I do not know how I'm going to get out of this mess", etc., change the discourse in affirmative and, therefore, , your mind and your essence will be predisposed to solve it: "I can do it", "I will get out of this mess", and so on.

Although we do not believe it, thinking positively makes us begin to believe in our abilities, in our decisive attitude, in our strength and courage. Many times, the fact of not being trusted with oneself is caused by a lack of esteem or a very weak conception of our own abilities. It is important that you believe in yourself, that you know you can, and then you can achieve it.


In point number 1 we have indicated that the list also contains the defect s. Why? It is not to sink you or to make you feel bad about yourself, but to the contrary: to learn to recognize mistakes, to see that instead of 200 they are only 10 or 20, it is encouraging and gets the whole negative conception and the defects to be seen reduced to a simple list. In this way it is much easier to start working on them to be able to improve, to be able to modify what you do not just like about yourself and to be able to enjoy a more satisfying life.

There are aspects of your life that may slip out of your hands because you lack knowledge or skills. For example, if you are unhappy because you do not like your work and the work you would like to do requires skills and knowledge that you do not have, why do not you start working on this and start studying or doing specialized courses? It is never too late to learn or change life. You just have to keep in mind that in your life you send .


There is another word that you should avoid thinking and pronouncing and it is the word failure. It has to disappear from your mind because it is a very negative connotation that the only thing it will do is make you feel bad, disappointed and that you question your abilities. We have already told you that it is essential that you promote positivism and, therefore, we will change the word "failure" to the word "experience" .

Everything is learned in life : the successes, the mistakes and the most painful situations that are experienced. In fact, even when you make mistakes it is when you learn more from that moment because you reflect on why it went wrong, analyze everything you have done and what you should not repeat and get a much clearer resolution than at other times in your life. lifetime.

So if you have started a business that has not gone well, if you have separated from your partner, if you have been fired from work, etc., try to extract learning from your situation to understand what could have failed and try not to return to repeat the same mistakes.


The physical aspect is another one of the points that can affect the confidence in oneself . Being unhappy with your appearance can make you feel "the ugly duckling" and that you do not dare to speak, to give your opinion or to be totally free and extroverted. First of all we must emphasize that to be able to feel more sure of yourself it is essential that you put aside the comparisons . At the moment in which we live there is an ideal of beauty that is very difficult to reach and, both men and women, can feel frustrated and different.

Instead of comparing yourself with anyone, learn to look in the mirror, to accept your body, your faults and your virtues. Look with good eyes, learn to accept that there are things you do like about yourself is essential to be better in your day to day. But if there are things that you really do not like at all, we suggest you try to change them. We have already told you before that you have the reins of your life so if you are not comfortable with your body do something to remedy it : go to the gym, go to a dermatologist, change your look, control your diet, and so on.


Learning to give thanks for what you have and stop missing what you do not have is also an important step for acceptance and love for oneself. Instead of complaining because you do not have a good salary at work, rejoice because you get along with your colleagues or because you have a house to your liking. This is related to positive thinking and is that it is crucial to realize what you have achieved and leave behind what you have not been able to achieve or have lost. Being grateful with the life you have is a big step and, if you do not like your life, think about what you would change about it and start doing it.


But all that we have just told you is useless if you can not be brave and risk to enjoy a better life. The saying " who does not risk, does not win " already says it and it is totally true so start to list what you would like to change your life, what you want to do, those goals or purposes that you have in your head every year. Once you have them, we recommend that you hang the list in the refrigerator or in a visible place and start doing something to fulfill them and change that part that you dislike.

Above all do not try to do them all at once: go one by one, with patience, dedication and without putting the limit that in a year you have to fulfill it. Only in this way will you be able to see changes in your life, feel satisfaction when you see that you begin to reach your goals and have more confidence in yourself.