How to calculate a percentage of a decimal

Some values ​​can be expressed as either a percentage or a decimal. You may need to make conversions between decimals and percentages, if you take classes in a high school or college. Calculating a percentage of a decimal number is a process of multiplying the decimal by a specific factor. Another way to convert a decimal to a percentage is to move the decimal point and add a percentage symbol.

Look at this other article on how to get a percentage of a figure.

Steps to follow:


Multiply the decimal by 100. For example, if you have 0.87, multiply the number 100 times to get 87.


Add a percent sign to your answer. In this example, it would convert 87 to "87%".


Convert a decimal to a percentage by using a short method if you wish. You can do this by moving the decimal point two spaces to the left and adding a percent sign. For example, if you have 0.55, move the decimal point two spaces to the left and add a percent sign, so you have "55%".


Because we say take the percentage of a decimal, because it is just the value that is behind the as we call these values ​​and say. Look at the following example of the image.