How to calculate the months, days and seconds

The ability to calculate units of time and convert them is a useful and practical skill. For example, you can calculate your monthly income, if you know your daily wage, or you can evaluate productivity by calculating how many times a day or month, a task is performed. You can also convert a large number of seconds in days and months to get a clearer picture of a period of time. It only takes strong skills to divide, multiply and do exact calculations manually.

Steps to follow:


Multiply the number of days by 86, 400 to calculate the equivalent in seconds; for months it is multiplied by 2, 592, 000, for example:

  • If you want to calculate how many seconds are 4 days, you have to do it is 4 * 86, 400 = 345, 600 seconds
  • If what you want is to know the seconds that there are in 3 months you have to do 3 * 2.592.00 = 7.776.000 seconds.


Divide a large number of seconds by 86, 400 to find its equivalent in days and 2, 592, 000 for its approximate equivalent in months, for example:

  • 300, 000 seconds equals approximately 3.47 days (300, 000 / 86, 400 = 3.47 days). The value of 3.47 for days is synonymous approximately 3 1/2 days or 2 days and 12 hours
  • 3, 000, 000 seconds equals 1.16 months (3, 000, 000 / 2, 592, 000 = 1.16 months). The value of 1.16 months is 1 + (16/100) 30 or approximately 1 month and 5 days.


Add the exact number of days for the months in question. Because the number of days in a given month vary, multiplying the number of months by a specific number will not give exact results.


Divide the number of days by 30.44 to convert them into months, since there are months with different days and the average is 30.44 days, for example:

90 days will be 3 months, or approximately 2.95 months. Again, this is not a totally accurate result, since the number of days within a month varies, but it is a fairly reliable calculation.

  • You can use online calculators, such as the one offered by Unit-Conversion ( to determine the relationship between the second dice, days and months. Remember to use the method described in step 2 to clarify what the decimal numbers mean.
  • In addition to passing without delay from seconds to days and months, you can also jump to minutes, first, and then to hours to simplify your multiplication. For example, 360, 000 seconds is 6, 000 minutes, or 100 hours, therefore, approximately 4.2 days.