How to calculate linear feet

Linear feet is the measurement of length in feet. If you look for this calculation that is naturally linear, such as the length of a table, you just have to measure it in feet and the resulting number will give you the linear feet. If you want to calculate the linear feet of something that is not normally in a linear position, such as a human arm, which bends most of the time, you have to measure the arm in a stretched position in units of feet and the result is the number of linear feet.

You will need to:
  • Calculator
  • Measuring tape or measuring device applicable
Steps to follow:


The first thing you have to do to calculate linear feet is to arrange, position or stretch the object of interest in a long position.


Position a measuring tape or an applicable measuring device in order to measure the entire length of the element.


Registers the length of the element in units provided by the measuring device and converts the results into feet.


If the measuring device registers in inches, then divide the result by 12 to obtain linear feet . If the measuring device registers in meters, then multiply the result by 3.28 to obtain linear feet .