How to calculate the accumulated percentage of elements

To calculate the accumulated percentage, all you have to do is add the percentages of the data presented before the current data. Remember that your accumulated percentage can not be greater than 100 percent. This is because the cumulative percentages only take into account your current data, not the external data set. The percentage is calculated by dividing part of your established data by the whole.

You will need to:
  • Calculator
  • Paper
  • Pencil
Steps to follow:


Order your information from least to greatest or in some logical way. For example, suppose you have 19 children 12 years of age, 9 children 14 and 16 children 16 years old. You can sort the data by age.


Find the percentages of each group of data. In the example, the total is 44 children: 19 divided by 44 equals 43.18 percent for children 12 years old, 9 divided by 44 equals 20.45 percent for children 14, 16 divided by 44 it is equal to 36.36 percent for children of 16 years.


Calculate the accumulated percentage by adding the second group to the first. Keep doing it for each group. In the example, the cumulative percentage for children between 12 and 14 years old is 43.18 percent plus 20.45 percent, which is equivalent to 63.63 percent.

  • Write down all the values ​​you find, as you will surely need them later to calculate all the values ​​you are looking for.