How to help people after natural disasters

Life after natural disasters can be more devastating than the disaster itself. For some survivors, simple activities become important obstacles, such as bathing, eating and drinking clean water. They often experience the loss of their home, work, family and friends. Every aspect of his life, as they knew him, has suddenly gone. It can be surprising and overwhelming, not only physically but also mentally. There are many ways to lend a helping hand in your recovery.

Steps to follow:


Donate money to a known agency, such as the Red Cross or Intermon or Doctors Without Borders. Review the association's policies to know how your money will be spent. For example, the Red Cross easily provides information on how your donation helps when disaster strikes.


Find a job to help survivors. There is always a disaster assistance employee on duty, and positions are available for a wide variety of skills. If you meet the requirements and can withstand the irregular hours, you will reap the reward of being able to help the survivors.


Donate blood for the victims of disasters. Often, during and after a natural disaster, there is a shortage of all types of blood groups; The few minutes it takes to give one unit of blood can actually save up to three lives.


Volunteer to help immediately after the disaster. The National Directorate of Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters has a website where it provides information on where you can volunteer your services. Many of the organizations also offer training, where a wide variety of skills are needed. Organizations will inform you of the skills you need during the days after the disaster.


Donate necessary elements to help after the disaster. Check with disaster organizations, and send only the items requested by the organizations. It costs the agencies more money to keep the items in a warehouse and fix the shipment to the disaster area, so items are generally purchased in the affected area. The Association for Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response suggests that if you have items to give, such as clothes, organize a sale in your area, to sell the items and raise money for the survivors.


Organize an event to raise funds for survivors of the disaster, such as a garage sale or bake sale. This is an excellent way to get the individuals in your community involved, allowing everyone, youth and adults, to invest time without having to invest money.


Volunteer to help rebuild the community after the disaster. Long after the immediate needs have been met, there will be years of reconstruction. If you can provide long-term assistance, check with the community organizations that were devastated.