How to help my son do school work

One of the most important headaches you have with your child is to help their jobs . It is very common for him to come and tell him that "the next day I have to deliver a biology job" this can be a very delicate situation and can make you lose your nerves. To properly help your work and anticipate problems like this, you should follow the following tips:

Steps to follow:


Have your child write down all the work he or she must submit on the agenda. In the detail of the task you must put the title of the work, the length and specific characteristics of it.


Check the agenda every day and ask your child if today something new has been added to the agenda.


To start the work, do it at least 1 week in advance.


Select a topic from which the work will be treated, if the topic is already closed go to the next step.


Complete textbooks by looking in books or other materials for the information you need and make good notes. The internet can also help you do a good job with your child.


Once you have collected the material that your child takes notes on the subject, it is important to choose which are the most pertinent questions to develop your topic.


Prepare an index of what your child's work will be.


Write the first draft, it is good to write it two or three days before the delivery, if you leave it a couple of days and then review it the result will be better.


Check the day before delivery the job and profile the latest appearance.

  • Helping your child do the work does not mean doing all the work, it's worse for him.