How to help my son improve his memory

Memory is fundamental to the learning process of your child. He will learn, fix knowledge and remember what he has learned all his life. It is very important to cultivate, train and care for memory throughout life, so you have to start from childhood. When I speak by heart, I do not only refer to the process of entering, registering, storing and retrieving the auditory or visual information that is incorporated into your mind, achieving to retain and reproduce experiences. I also mean to record memories, conforming emotions. This is why it is so important to help your child improve his memory through fun activities for him.

Steps to follow:


With stories . Choose a story that your child likes and read it with simple language, imitating the voices of the characters to exercise their imagination. When you finish reading the story, ask her what she remembers of the story and what part she liked the most. With your help remember the most important points of the story in a structured way.


With songs. Memorizing songs is good for your memory . Since the children are born, the parents sing songs that they are learning. This is a good technique to invent funny stanzas and have your child memorize it. At the beginning it can be simple with data that are familiar to the child and, as they grow, increase the difficulty, such as the days of the week or the alphabet for the little ones.


Toys. If your child is small, toys with sounds are appropriate. You can help your child memorize what sound they hear by pressing the appropriate key to your order. In addition there are also toys that emit sounds and colors prepared for memorization.


Repetition. Repeating things to children helps them remember. So, if you want me to remember the rules of the game, the way home, what is the use of something in particular, repeat it, and let him repeat it to you. At the time he asks again to know if he remembers it.


Objects of house. You can help your child improve his memory with household objects. For example, take several objects from home, show them, hide them somewhere in the house and find them all. You must remember what they are and how many they are in order to find them all. Another way would be for the child to take some objects from home and give them to you, then they are written on a piece of paper and the child has to return them to the same place without making mistakes. To give emotion to this game can be done with time against.


Remember small things . Remember the names of family members or schoolmates, remember the phone number, the name of the street are some ideas. Also make lists of fruits, vegetables or whatever you want and go incorporating two or three items each day until the list is long and see how many names you remember.


Take advantage of situations . You can take advantage of any moment to enhance the memory, for example, with an exit to the zoo, tell him to notice the animals and then name them to know if he remembers them. Or when you go to the supermarket, if your child is older, ask him to go for bread and to remember which aisle he is in.