How to help children to have confidence in themselves

Confidence in ourselves is one of the basic characteristics that we must develop if we want to survive in the best way in the world around us. Believing in ourselves, in our projects and dreams, keeps us alive and full of happiness. From childhood it is necessary to be educated under this vital philosophy or approach, so that we can develop our own personality, our ability to decide according to our principles and to develop ourselves under our personal choice. From .com we explain how to help children to have confidence in themselves and achieve their full autonomy.

Steps to follow:


From small children should be treated as independent persons, people who although in principle depend on their parents, are not part of them. Children should know that their parents are there to help them grow and improve, and that they will give them all the necessary love, but that they are autonomous people and each one has its function.


Likewise, it is necessary that from very small children have responsibilities appropriate to their age: their school tasks, extracurricular activities, keep their room in order and everything that is necessary, according to their age. These are tasks that you must always develop on your own. In this way they will know how to differentiate their life from that of their parents and will begin to acquire their own autonomy .


To help the children to have confidence in themselves, it is necessary that from small they have the option to decide in some aspects. It is important that they feel safe, useful and capable of making decisions.


Interacting with other children autonomously and independently, without their parents around, is another option that will help them to increase their self-confidence. Creating relationships and external ties to family members will help them grow as people.


An environment full of love and affection will make them grow with security, joy and happiness, which is necessary for the child to feel good, secure and with self-confidence.


Praise all their good deeds, thank them for the things they do from the heart and make them see that doing things well will fill them with security and confidence.

  • Make them autonomous from small.
  • Do not create dependencies on anything.
  • Teach them to assert themselves for what they are.