How to find out what a number means in Numerology

On the basis of the Pythagorean theory that all things can be reduced to numbers, numerology is a practice that uses numbers to describe a person's character and guess the future. Numerology numbers are derived from the date of birth and the name of a person. Based on this information, it is said that certain character traits and the path in life can be determined. Finding out what the numerology number says about you can help you find your direction in life and purpose.

Steps to follow:


Calculate the number of your life path by adding all the digits together of your birthday. The life path number is a single digit. Add your day of birth, your month of birth and then your year of birth. Add the digits of the sum to reduce it to a single digit. For example, if your birthday is August 11, 1984, add 08-11 (19) and 19-1984 (2003). Add 2, 0, 0, and 3 to get to 5. The number of your life path is 5. The life path number describes the traits acquired at birth and helps describe your journey through life.


Calculate the number of your name . Each letter of the alphabet is associated with a number. Add the number of your full name (as it appears on your birth certificate) and reduce the amount to a single digit as you did your birthday. The letters A, J and S are 1, B, K, T 2, C, L, U are 3, D, M, V are 4, E, N, W are 5, H, O, X are 6, G, P, Y are 7, H, Q, Z are 8, I, R are 9. In numerology, the Name Number helps describe the general personality of a person.


Find the meanings of numerology on the internet. The Numerology websites give a detailed description about the meanings behind the numbers of the Way of Life and Name.


Visit a numerologist for a professional reading. A numerology expert can use your name and date of birth to guess other important numbers, such as your Alma number (which describes your most intimate desires, likes and dislikes) and your destination number.

  • Visit a variety of numerology websites to find meaning in your life trajectory and the number of names. Some sites offer more detailed descriptions than others.
  • Visit a professional numerologist who has experience and is highly recommended.