How to learn a language in three months

Benny Lewis is a polyglot from Ireland who, at age 21, only spoke English; In fact, he was convinced that he could never learn another language because, being still younger, he had studied German at school without obtaining good results. However, after graduating as an engineer at the University, he decided to move to Spain to try his luck with the Spanish. It was there where he understood that the method offered by the academies to learn a language is not completely correct and that, in fact, one can get to speak a language in three months with unconventional methods. If it is true that, if you follow the following one manual, you will commit flaws in the grammar, you can also keep a conversation in the language you want if you follow the advice developed by Benny in the "Superpolíglota Manual". If you are interested in knowing them, read below some of them:

Change your mentality

One of the most common mistakes made by all those who want to learn a language is simply to want it. In order to carry out the learning, you need to need it; for the same reason, it is advisable to complete a complete immersion abroad. Although it is not completely necessary, it is normal not to learn to speak a language in the short term if we use our native language with our friends. Mentalize yourself!

Set short-term practical goals

Start learning with small realistic goals so that, when you achieve them, they give you a sense of progress and achievement. You can learn the basic vocabulary of French (adjectives of personality, colors, sports, weather, cars ...) in a month, or propose to understand what they say in French radio within 6 months. Regardless of your purposes ... Do that are realistic and that adapt to your situation!

Do not think about the difficulty

Instead of imagining that the unknown language that you have set out to learn is an enemy that you must conquer, think of it as a friend that you want to get to know better. Whatever language you need, never think about your difficulty; For example, if you are studying German, explain to people why you think it is simple.

Talk from the first day

Benny advises to buy a small book of basic travel phrases the first day and make them serve, although you do not completely know what you are saying. Yes, during the first months you will be wrong, but these mistakes will be a natural part of the learning process. You just have to accept that you are going to speak to make mistakes and remember that, even if this happens, it will not prevent you from communicating with other people in a different language. Get rid of the concept of "being prepared" and start talking immediately.

Create a strategy

Realize, right now, the strategy that you will follow during the next months of learning. Approach a notebook and start organizing your ideas. Remember that learning a language in 3 months will not be an achievable goal if you do not have the time to do it. Therefore, make a clear outline of what you will learn each month and write down the purposes at the end of each month; for example: "February: Understand what they say on the radio, keep a conversation for 5 minutes."

Write a diary

Why speak a language if it is not really necessary? In my country, the whole world understands me! If you can not travel, create a blog on the Internet to create a follow-up on how your improvements are going. In addition, you will feel obligated to do so if followers appear and, in addition, you will create newsrooms every day.

Immersion from home

You do not need to travel to immerse yourself, completely, in a language. To start, change the language of your mobile and your computer to the one you want to learn. There are hundreds of pages on the Internet to make small exchanges; that is, you can stay in a cafe with a Portuguese girl, speak the first hour in Spanish and, the second, in Portuguese.

Inevitable frustration

Benny does not try to lie to any of the users who buy his books or who currently follow his personal blog every day. In fact, in his manual to learn to speak a language in 3 months, he warns of the frustration he suffers when trying to understand a language in a few weeks.

  • Remember that Benny is dedicated to traveling and learning languages; ask yourself if you want to learn a language in three months, if you can really carry out this objective in your current situation and, above all, if you want to live such a strong frustration during the first weeks of learning.