How to learn a language in 10 days

Learning to speak in a new language is something that takes time, even years, but circumstances do not always allow so much time. Maybe you are planning a vacation abroad or the need to travel on labor issues. Whatever your reason, you need to learn a new language quickly . While you may not be able to fully master a new language in this short period of time, it is possible to learn enough to get ahead. With hard work and dedication, you can learn a new language in just 10 days.

Steps to follow:


Listen to the audio instructions for beginners. These are available on the internet, CD and MP3 format, and can be purchased in libraries and downloaded from the Internet. Listen frequently: at home, in the car, on a walk, while cooking or in the shower.


Read newspapers, books and websites in that language . You can find these on the internet or in the library. Scan through the words and choose the themes you control and try to decipher what the article says.


Talk frequently with people who speak the language. Immersing yourself in the language as much as possible will force you to learn the language faster.


Keep a dictionary in the chosen language in your hand at all times. Search frequently used words. Try using these words in sentences.


Think of that language when you are silent, make a shopping list and a list of daily tasks.


Choose a song in that language with a catchy melody and listen to it frequently. Learn the words and sing. This helps you learn, accent and pronunciation of words.


Get in touch with a teacher of that language and organize a few sessions. This can be expensive, so discuss the price before starting classes.


Look around and say the name of all the things you can in that language. Do this as many times as possible.