Home remedies for diarrhea in cats

Felines, just like people, can be as constipated as having diarrhea. As owners, we have to observe their feces in the sandbox to assess if they suffer from any of these discomforts, because this way we can act with a specific method such as incorporating them into their diet or having them fasted for a few hours. In any case, if the problem persists, we recommend going to the veterinarian and putting the cat in the hands of a professional. In we have proposed to offer you a wide list of home remedies for diarrhea in cats that we hope you find useful.

Natural diet

Modifying your diet can be a very effective method against your kitten's diarrhea. For this, you can try to find a brand of natural food without artificial components, a product that does not harm your intestine or your stomach. However, the first few days may also suffer some discomfort due to the change in diet, so you must introduce it gradually to adapt. Do not be alarmed, the cat will get used to it and will improve in health.

Bland diet

Opt for a soft diet based on starch, supervised by your veterinarian. This will facilitate the recovery of your cat regarding its stomach decomposition. To prepare a soft diet, you must resort to preparing some dishes yourself in two or three days of treatment, and you should also avoid giving cookies as a reward or other foods during this process. The recommended meals are the following:

  • Boiled chicken clean of fats, skin and bones.
  • Boiled rice, famous for hardening the feces.
  • Abundant water to recover the fluid that is lost with diarrhea.
  • Isotonic lemon drinks, which help your cat recover a certain amount of nutrients.
  • Commercial food specially prepared for feline diarrhea.

Get more details about it by consulting the article What a cat should eat with diarrhea.

Visit your veterinarian

If you notice that bleeding appears in your stool, do not hesitate to go to the vet . He will give you the prescription for some suitable medication that will help resolve the situation, after performing the relevant tests. The simplest thing is to have your medicine ingested with a clean, freshly purchased syringe, obviously without a needle.

Cat Fiber

On the other hand, foods rich in fiber can solidify your pet's feces. But always think that your body does not work like yours, so do not opt ​​for products designed for humans, because they may be too strong for them. Therefore, it is better that you resort to those products with specialized fiber for cats.

Natural yogurt without sugar

Also, giving your kitten natural yogurt will contribute to the appearance of healthy bacteria in your intestine and thus fight against a possible yeast infection. In addition, your intake strengthens your digestive system. However, you should opt for a natural yogurt without sugars, because they do not tolerate excess sugar.

Other homemade tricks

Another remedy to relieve your cat's diarrhea is to add half a teaspoon of Metamucil to its food, or 1 to 4 grams once or twice a day. This is a laxative suitable for humans, dogs, cats and even horses. In addition, you can also put him on a fast, but only for 12 to 24 hours, during which time he will only drink plenty of water . When you return to eat, give soft foods the first few days.

Also, we recommend you to follow the tips in the article What to do if my cat has diarrhea.