What to do if my dog ​​does not chew the food

It is difficult for a dog to learn the meaning of the word savor. It is easy to see how when you put them a bowl of food they throw themselves on it and in a matter of minutes they leave it clean. Keep in mind that dogs do not chew, dogs swallow, they do it instinctively, like wolves, to show that he is the first to take food and eat more. In .com we will explain what to do if my dog ​​does not chew the food so that you know the guidelines that are beneficial for your health

Steps to follow:


Dogs are able to swallow food without getting sick. It's good to know, you do not have to worry, you just have to know what it is. The esophagus of a dog can increase and expand 5 times its size to allow food to pass, thus allowing large pieces of food to pass without any discomfort. This is the reason why he does not chew food : he does not need it and also has powerful gastric juices to defer it once swallowed


But not everything is instinct. Your dog can run certain dangers if he does not chew food and eat fast. Let's talk about what you can do to make your pet chew food and eliminate those small daily risks. Remember that you have to know how to distinguish the problem, nothing happens because you eat without chewing but you should not eat more food than necessary for your health to avoid obesity.


The first thing to keep in mind if you want to know what to do if your dog does not chew the food is to know that you can combine the natural food with the feed. Mix the feed with egg or chicken, these foods will reduce the anxiety of the dog during the day and will provide serotonin, a great fighter against nervousness.


Another way to get your dog to chew the food is to create relaxed environments that reduce their nervousness and thus, reduce the craving for food.


Getting your dog to chew food is achieved in a simple way: play, play without stopping. Great walks and playing with your dog will keep you in good physical condition and less nervous when eating.

In this article we tell you how much exercise time your dog needs so you know how long you have to take him out for a walk so he is strong and healthy.


Calculate that the calories your dog eats do not exceed the calories he spends. Keeping your dog physically healthy is an easy task as long as you get used to giving him the right whims and always playing with him. Without a doubt, he will thank you.

In this article we tell you how much your dog should eat so that you know the proportions that are adequate for him to be healthy.