What to do if my cat can not defecate - all you have to know

Every cat lover wants his cats to be in the best possible conditions: that they have the best food, the best beds to sleep, the best sandbox and all the love of the world by its owner. Now, when we see that something happens to him, we may be alarmed and not know what to do, such as when we realize that our cat has not defecated for days. The reasons why that can happen can be diverse, and will depend to a great extent on the age of our cat. If you are wondering "what to do if my cat can not defecate", all you have to know is in this article.

Why my cat can not defecate

As we said, the reasons for the difficulties to defecate can be several and depend on the age of our cat. For example, constipation in older cats is more common than in baby cats. The possible causes of constipation are:

  • Balls of hair in the intestines : sometimes cats can not expel them naturally and they create an intestinal blockage that prevents them from properly performing digestion, and therefore, makes it difficult for them to expel feces.
  • Excess dry food : a sudden change in the diet, as well as a little varied and dry diet can cause a cat can not defecate properly.
  • Lack of water : if our cat does not drink enough, it can cause not only dehydration, but also problems to defecate.
  • Low fiber diet : if a cat has a diet low in fiber, as would happen to a person, the cat could suffer constipation.
  • Obesity : Obesity is another reason why cats sometimes can not defecate normally.
  • Injury in the lower back or pelvic area : this would cause our cat can not bow properly when defecating or urinating.
  • Inflammation of the digestive tract : a problem of this measure would also cause difficulties for our partner to defecate.
  • Toys and other objects : there is also the possibility that our cat has swallowed a toy, bone or cloth and that it has been stuck in the digestive system, causing pain and constipation.

Other possible reasons could be neurological, such as having been afraid of the sandbox. In these cases it is better to go to a specialist to advise you what to do.

How to know if a cat is constipated

Sometimes it may not be so easy to detect that our cat is having an evacuation problem. However, if we look closely, we will notice that there are signs that indicate that our cat is not well, such as:

  • The cat spends a lot of time in the box : you may suddenly realize that the cat spends more time than usual in its litter box. If so, control if you get to defecate or if you simply leave without achieving its purpose.
  • The box has less amount of stools than usual : this is another aspect that must be taken into account and in which we must pay attention.
  • The stools are very hard and dry : it may be hard for us to see it because the feces are buried in the sand, but if we touch it with gloves, or we see that the size of the stools is smaller, we will clearly see the difficulty of evacuation of our feline.
  • The cat meows painfully : this may be his way of saying "my belly hurts."
  • The cat does not eat : or it does not eat as much as before. If you can not have a bowel movement, your body will not want to eat so it does not fill the digestive system anymore.
  • The behavior of my cat changes : in general, this is perhaps the first thing we would detect, a strange attitude in our cat. Cats can not talk, but they can transmit their problems in other ways.

You may also be interested in this article on How to know if my cat has a bowel obstruction.

How many days can a cat be without defecating

Normally cats defecate every day, therefore, if a cat is between 2 and 4 days without defecating, it is considered to have constipation. However, if you exceed that time, it is best to go as soon as possible to the veterinarian, as we would be facing a serious situation of constipation. If you do not know how much time your cat takes without defecating, we recommend that you try what we explain in the next section. But, remember: the specialist will always know what is best for your cat.

How to help an adult cat defecate - what to do

Depending on the reason for the constipation in cats, the treatment could be one or the other. Therefore, we explain below some treatments for constipation in cats :

  • Malta for cats : if our cat is obstructed by hairballs, it is best to give it malt.
  • Olive oil : if the cat is constipated, this is one of the best home remedies, since it acts as a laxative in cats. With half a teaspoon of olive oil per day for less than a week we should see results, otherwise, go to the vet.
  • Aloe vera : like the previous case, aloe vera can help lubricate the intestinal walls of the cat to defecate properly.
  • Change your diet : providing a diet richer in fiber may help you to defecate more easily.

However, it should be noted that any other type of laxatives for cats is better than prescribed by the veterinarian.

You may also be interested in this article on What to do if my cat is constipated.

How often does a baby cat defecate?

In the case of kittens, it is different. If you have adopted your kitten or it has been left without a mother, you should know that a baby cat can not survive on its own, because without the help of its mother it can not even defecate or urinate. Keep in mind that after each meal, the kitten should empty its bowels a little. If that does not happen, you should help him. Keep reading to find out how to help our kitty defecate.

How to help a kitten to defecate - what to do

Learning how to stimulate a cat to defecate is very simple. The mother, to stimulate it after feeding, licks her anus and genitals. Therefore, we will have to do something similar.

With the help of a wet cloth or wipe (to be able to be rough, to simulate the tongue of the mother) we will carefully massage the intimate areas of our kitten. We can also gently massage your belly to stimulate your intestines. If all goes well, we will see that as we do, the baby cat will be depositing their needs.

What do I do if my cat or kitten still does not have a bowel movement

If after all the attempts your cat or kitten still can not defecate, it is best to go as soon as possible to your veterinarian . Baby cats, especially, are very vulnerable and delicate, and any situation not corrected in time could even lead to death. That is why any anomaly must act as soon as possible.

Now that you know everything you need to know about what to do if my cat can not defecate, you may be interested in this article on What to do if my cat does not want to eat.