What fruits can my hamster eat?

The feeding of your hamster should be based on a dry feed prepared with seeds, grains, nuts and green foods. However, veterinarians always recommend supplementing their diet with a little fruit and vegetables suitable for them, because these products contain nutrients and proteins lacking in the preparation for hamsters. Of course, always under the supervision of the veterinarian and in moderate amounts. If you want to supplement the food of your little runner but you do not know what you can take, keep reading this article and discover what fruits your hamster can eat .

Steps to follow:


Hamsters love fresh food like fruits and vegetables but basing their food exclusively on them is a mistake, as they can cause digestive alterations. Therefore, it is important to follow a dry diet, provided by the veterinarian, and supplement it with these products from time to time and in small quantities. Also, given that hamsters are prone to obesity, a condition highly detrimental to their health, we should give them fruit with a low caloric intake .


The pear is one of the fruits with a higher fiber level, a complement that can not be lacking in the diet of our hamster. Pears are very beneficial for them because they help them to purify their body and regulate intestinal movement. Since the pear is not one of the fruits with less caloric intake, you should give it clean, well chopped, without seeds, with skin and in minimum quantities at most once every two weeks.


For its part, watermelon is one of the fruits with fewer calories, ideal to provide our hamster. Of course, like pears, you should give it without seeds, because they are harmful to them. The advantage of this fruit over the rest is its high water content, since proper hydration is another aspect that we can not neglect when it comes to keeping our hamster in perfect condition.


Following in the line of fruits that hamsters can eat and are low in calories, strawberries are another of the best options. As it happens with the previous ones, they are rich in fiber and provide our rodeores with an extra supply of essential vitamins and minerals . Also, its diuretic properties will help regulate intestinal transit. Remember that you should wash the fruit well before giving it and chop it so that it is easier to eat.


The apple is another fruit that your hamster can eat for its digestive properties, especially. Although it is not one of the lowest in calories, it does provide multiple benefits in terms of this aspect, the process of digestion. It will also help strengthen your teeth by gnawing it. The most advisable is that you give it in the form of a not too thick slice so that it chews and exercises the jaw. Remember to wash it before and not remove the skin but the seeds.


Finally, kiwi and peach stand out as good fruits for hamsters. In these cases, you must remove the skin, the peach bone and give it to it. These fruits are also composed of a lot of water and contain a very low calorie level and a high percentage of carbohydrates, so it does not favor weight gain and helps regulate your intestinal transit. Remember that obesity in the hamster is a very damaging condition for him.


When it comes to giving your hamster fruit as a complement it is important that you take into account the different considerations above and wash it properly first, as well as chop it and remove the skin in the precise cases. Also, it is recommended that during the week eat a minimum amount of fresh food, either through fruits or vegetables. Yes, in moderation. In the same way that there are beneficial fruits for them, there are also some that are toxic, like grapes, bananas and avocados, despite tasting them.