Why my cat has bald spots

Usually, bald spots can be found in cats, which are a symptom of some condition. But as the owner keep calm, because usually it is not due to anything dramatic: in most cases it is an easy infection to solve with the appropriate treatment. Normally this infection appears due to the presence of fungus, a disease called tinea. However, it is the veterinarian who must diagnose the problem. In this article we answer why a cat has bald spots .


At first, the owner usually finds an increase in the amount of hair remains that your pet leaves on carpets, floors and sofas. You may also see your cat biting its hair or even tearing it out, which means it is trying to relieve itching. If you notice that this is the behavior of your kitten or if you see more hair of yours than before in your house, you must find out what are the causes of these circumstances.

In addition, the animal may approach you requesting that you scratch or rub it with any object it finds to relieve itself. They also appear less calm and sleep less because they can not relax because of itching.

Due to the friction of the lick, the hair breaks and alopecia appears in different areas of your body, usually on the belly, sides, inside of the legs or around your ears, as well as tufts may appear stuck in your back or in the tail. On the other hand, these plaques may be accompanied by pimples, redness or wounds.

Fungal or tinea infection

When the cat has dermatophytosis, fungi cause bald spots in cats. They usually appear on the face, legs and ears. Regarding symptoms, the skin becomes dry and sometimes scales appear. As an owner you have to be careful, because ringworm is easily transmitted to people.

Regarding the treatment, the veterinarian will decide what type is appropriate, being the application of creams or lotions, as well as baths or oral medications the most common.

Other parasites

In addition to the already mentioned fungi, other common parasites in cats that can cause bald spots are fleas . That's why the first thing that many veterinary clinics do to the problem of hair loss is to analyze if the animal has external agents of this or another type.

If you see your pet licking or biting the base of its tail, it probably has fleas. These parasites can cling to the kitten's skin if we take it to the street, to the landing, where a dog could have passed, and even to balconies or terraces. The animal will lick the area where the flea is acting by exerting a constant friction that can lead to the appearance of bald spots.

On the other hand, scabies caused by mites can also cause intense itching, to which the cat will react in the same way: biting and licking insistently to relieve itself.

Alopecia due to stress and allergies

If, after an inspection, the presence of parasites in the feline is ruled out, other conditions should be studied, such as food and environmental allergies, which also manifest with itching.

In addition, alopecia can occur due to the submission of the animal to high levels of stress, for example when exposed to situations of constant uncertainty or surprise, to which they respond by grooming obsessively seeking a relief to their anxiety.