Why my dog's legs are red - know the causes

Have you seen that your dog has red legs? There are dogs more prone to skin problems than others but, apart from this, there are areas of the body where it is easy for any dog ​​to suffer some irritation or other problems of the dermis. For example, it is common to see that a dog has reddened legs, although the possible causes are diverse.

Whenever you see any change in your hairy it is best to take it directly to the vet. However, we inform you by answering your question about " why my dog ​​has red legs? ", Detailing the most common possible causes. Anyway, only the specialist can tell you if it is an allergic reaction, a wound, fungus or other problem and give you the best treatment.

Red pads on dogs by contact with irritants

Among the main causes of red legs in dogs, especially in the pads, is the contact with an irritant product. Sometimes some herbs or plants, such as nettles, can irritate the dogs' legs due to their own substances that they use as a means of defense, but in herbs there are also chemical products, such as pesticides. These chemicals can damage the skin of the legs when coming into contact in a simple walk in the park, but if your dog tends to nibble the grass, redness may also appear on your face, especially around the mouth.

Also, at home you have to be careful with the cleaning products that we use and make sure that the hairy does not step on the still wet floor of these products. There are dogs very sensitive to soil cleaning products.

It is best to wash your dog's paws with mild dog shampoo, such as oatmeal shampoo, and have it seen by a veterinarian. It may be that, depending on the severity of the reaction that has caused the irritation, the specialist has to administer some medication, such as an antihistamine or an anti-inflammatory.

Mushrooms on the legs of dogs

Another of the most frequent reasons for reddened legs in dogs is the appearance of a fungal infection. If you only see some irritation and see that your hairy licks and nibbles the legs, it may be the beginning of the infection, but in a short time it can get worse and end up having a very strong itch all over the body and even getting hurt by scratching.

Some fungal infections in common dogs are candidiasis caused by the fungus Candida albicans, ringworm, of which there are different fungi that produce it, and infections caused by the fungus Malassezia pachydermatis. The latter and the first, candidiasis, are fungi that normally inhabit the skin of dogs, but in the case of ringworm the fungus is external and is always produced by infection.

If you suspect that your hairy has this condition is very important that a veterinarian reviews it, so you can detect what type of fungus is and so you can give the right medication to your faithful friend. In addition, some of these fungi, such as certain types of ringworm, are contagious to people and, of course, highly contagious to other pets.

Other parasites on the legs of dogs

There are more parasites besides the fungi that can cause dogs to have red legs . The clearest and most frequent case of these other parasites are hookworms, nematodes or very small worms that normally parasitize the intestine.

Although they will always be found in the intestines of the dog when they parasitize it, the way in which the animal has been infected has much to do with other less frequent symptoms of this parasitosis, such as the red legs. Thus, it is possible that a dog has the skin of its legs reddened because these nematodes have entered their body through a small wound in this area, they do not need more contact than this.

You will notice that your hairy one scratches and licks its legs, that it has some small wound and maybe some small lump, but also it will present symptoms of intestinal problems, like diarrhea. The veterinarian will help you unlearn it correctly.

Red legs for food allergy in dogs

Not only contact allergy can produce this problem in our furry companions, but a food allergy can also do so. In dogs, as in any other animal, there may be many allergies to certain types of food, for example, allergies to cereals or chicken proteins are common.

If it is the case of your hairy, you will see more symptoms such as irritated skin in more parts of the body and much itching, apart from possible diarrhea and vomiting. The veterinarian will have to perform allergy tests to detect exactly what food is producing it and that way you can avoid it. Also, while the allergy lasts you will have to give him some medication prescribed by the specialist and even baths with a special shampoo .

Wounds and bites in the legs of dogs

Finally, the bites and wounds will make the skin of your dog's legs very irritated. They will sting and scratch what will worsen the injury, and may become infected. From an insect bite, an infected broken nail to a small wound, even infected, for example because of a spine of a plant, a spike or a foreign body stuck in the skin.

Again, the veterinarian will be the one who knows best what to do in the case of your hairy and can give you the best treatment, apart from basic cures.