Do dogs see ghosts?

There are many legends and beliefs around dogs and their behavior. These animals, which have accompanied us for thousands of years, have repeatedly shown us that they have capacities that often go beyond our comprehension. Lately it has been shown that dogs can predict many things like cancer, in the same way, it is known that they, like many other animals are able to predict catastrophic situations that humans, with all our tools and technology are unable to detect .

Have you ever discovered your dog staring at an area where there was nothing or was scared for no apparent reason when entering a room? Do you wonder if dogs see ghosts or perceive spirits? In the following article we tell you about this strange phenomenon.

What are the spirits

The human being has an analytical and rational mind, our intelligence works by uniting causes and consequences, creating an account of the world that matches our previous experience. This is what has made us advance in fields such as medicine and technology, expanding our knowledge generation after generation. However, in the face of doubt, uncertainty and ignorance, we still need to explain those facts, even when science is incapable of giving it.

From prehistory and ancient civilizations, human beings have created fantastic and mythological stories to answer such elementary questions - and fascinating - as why it rains, what the wind is or what fire is. Generally, these phenomena were attributed to divinities or higher entities until technical progress allowed us to understand their functioning.

The same happens with the case of ghosts and spirits. Before asking ourselves if dogs perceive spirits or ghosts we should be clear if they really exist, something that at the moment is not clear or certain. Although some scientific experiments have already begun to clarify that people leave an energy field in the areas we populate, this does not have to be related to those presences having the capacity to think or act. Therefore, when we speak of ghosts, of noises or strange presences, they may be magnetic or energetic fields that have nothing to do with the classical and romantic vision of wandering spirits.

Do dogs perceive spirits?

Done the necessary introduction on the nature of what we think dogs perceive and we can talk about whether these animals are able to see ghosts or, if not, what happens to them when they are watching or barking at a fixed point .

First of all we must be aware that dogs, as well as many other animals, have much more developed perception and senses than humans. This allows them to perceive sounds and situations that are undetectable for us and that they alter them. If we take into account that his sense of smell is about 100, 000 times more powerful than ours and that his hearing range is infinitely superior, we will conclude that, in the case that ghosts existed, they would detect them much sooner than we do.

The sixth sense of dogs is often spoken of, when we should really talk about their more developed senses. It is not that they have senses that we do not have and that they allow them to capture paranormal phenomena, they are simply better than ours and can refine more.

These facts have surprised humans for centuries, so they have come to do scientific experiments to give a scientific answer to the fact whether dogs and other animals are able to see ghosts or detect their presence. In the next section we will talk about these experiments and the results that emerge from them.

The investigations in this regard

Robert Morris was a famous parapsychologist who devoted his life to investigate the nature of paranormal phenomena. This researcher, in the mid-60s of the twentieth century was determined to find out what was true behind the attitude of some dogs and animals about spirits or ghosts.

To carry out this experiment, the investigator went to a house in the United States where different blood crimes had been perpetrated and which the people of the area said was inhabited by strange presences. The experiment consisted of introducing different animals into one of the rooms where people had lost their lives and analyzing their behavior during the time they were inside to determine if they were able to detect something out of the ordinary.

The animals that were part of the investigation were a dog, a snake, a cat and a mouse

The dog, who had to enter the room with his caretaker, barely managed to cross the threshold of the door when he began to growl, bark and ruffle hair until finally fled the room to later refuse to approach her again.

The cat, who entered the arms of his caretaker, clung so hard to him as he entered the room that even made blood on his back. Immediately afterwards he jumped to take refuge under a chair, from where he began to snort for minutes looking at another chair.

The serpent acted differently, instead of fleeing or defending herself, she used the attack posture against the chair that had scared the cat, even turning her head as if something were moving in front of her.

Finally the rat did not have any strange reaction to his usual behavior, he simply ran to a hiding place and stayed there, as they usually do.

To finish the experiment, the parapsychologist repeated the same operation, with the same animals but in another room where no bloody event had happened. In this case none of the animals had any strange reaction or attempted to flee.

So, dogs see spirits?

If we consider the results of the experiment, the most logical thing at first sight is to conclude that dogs, and more animals, are capable of perceiving spirits. However, we do not have enough evidence to affirm this. As we have said before, dogs have a much more developed olfactory capacity than ours, in fact, dogs, just by smelling the ground, are able to extract a lot of information about the events that have taken place in a specific place.

It is possible that the dog of the experiment smelled the blood and what happened in that room, without need that it was a spirit or ghost that caused his fear. Anyway, we still do not have enough information to give a clear and univocal answer about this fact. Until then, we will have to continue intriguing with each strange behavior of our pets, asking if they really have these paranormal abilities.