Pharyngitis in dogs: symptoms and treatment

Dogs, like humans, can get pharyngitis. It occurs more frequently when times are cold and are more likely to suffer from old dogs or puppies. This problem is quite common and although it is considered a mild condition it requires veterinary attention and treatment. This is due to an inflammation of the mucosa that lines the pharynx.

If you are not sure that your dog has pharyngitis, keep reading because in this article we tell you all about pharyngitis in dogs, their symptoms and treatment .

Causes of pharyngitis in dogs

The possible causes for which a dog has pharyngitis are very varied. These are the most frequent:

  • The most common cause are those of viral origin due to the exposure of sudden changes in temperature. The cough of the kennels, for example, can lead to pharyngitis.
  • Infections of the respiratory tract.
  • Oral infections, which can occur when your dog catches a stick or other object with his mouth and ends up wounding himself in that area.
  • Systemic diseases, such as distemper or parvovirus.

Depending on the cause that is causing this problem to your dog may present some symptoms or others, although in most cases do not usually vary much.

Symptoms of pharyngitis in dogs

The following symptoms are those that commonly occur in dogs that have pharyngitis and are associated with the inflammation that occurs in this area.

  • Sneezing
  • Dry and persistent cough
  • Aphonia or aphronic bark.
  • Swallowing pain that results in a lack of appetite.
  • Fever.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Redness and swelling of the throat, sometimes even a purulent discharge can be observed.
  • Hypersalivation
  • Nausea or vomiting.

All these symptoms of pharyngitis in dogs produce that the affected animal is apathetic, not wanting to play and just want to sleep.

Treatment of pharyngitis in dogs

With any of these symptoms it is necessary to go to a veterinarian as soon as possible so that the problem does not get worse and can administer the best treatment to your dog to eliminate the cause that is producing this discomfort quickly. The veterinarian will prescribe an appropriate treatment, which is usually based on antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antitussive .

It is very important that you do not medicate your pet on your own, since it could happen if you worsen their health instead of improving it. You should follow step by step the instructions that the veterinarian tells you and you can help your furry friend to recover by applying warm compresses on his neck or giving him wet or soft food and not dry so that when swallowing does not hurt and he can eat without any problem. If you prefer to feed, it is recommended that you mix it with warm water or chicken broth so that it softens.

Home remedies for pharyngitis in dogs

There are home remedies to relieve pharyngitis in dogs, but we must bear in mind that these remedies do not substitute veterinary treatment, but complement it. You can do what we will indicate below while your dog is under veterinary treatment so that it recovers faster still.

  • You can offer a teaspoon of honey to your dog to soften its throat. Keep in mind that honey must be natural (no additives or be processed) and must not be administered to dogs under one year. Do not give much of this to your dog because it could cause stomach upset.
  • Surely the chicken soup loves your hairy, so you can offer it and thanks to the vitamins it has will strengthen your immune system, it will also help soothe the sore throat thanks to your hot spot. Remember that you always have to serve it warm and not too hot, since on the contrary you could make the inflammation worse.
  • Remove his necklace and replace it with a tissue that gives him warmth.
  • The vapors are perfect to relieve inflammation and irritation of the pharynx. While your dog is sleeping, place a container of hot water near your nose so you can breathe easier thanks to the inhalation of steam. You can also open the shower tap with hot water and close your dog in the bathroom (outside the shower) to inhale the steam.
  • If you take your dog for a walk it is advisable to put a coat on, especially if it is cold in the street so that pharyngitis does not get worse. Make sure that your friend's resting place is in a quiet and warm place in the house, away from drafts.
  • You can provide vitamin C, always asking the veterinarian first, to stimulate your immune system.
  • Do not expose him to irritating substances such as tobacco smoke since his throat and pharynx could still be irritated more.
  • Drinking lots of water is important too.

Following all these instructions and those of the veterinarian, I am sure that your little hair will feel better sooner than you think.