What are the toxic plants for cats

The felines are awake and very curious animals, always ready to explore every corner of our home and discover new things. Precisely these qualities are what often put them in danger, and it is important to take some measures to keep cats safe at home and away from anything that may be risky for them.

Plants are a great risk factor for our pet, as many of them are poisonous to the animal. That's why in .com we explain which are the most common toxic plants for cats .

Steps to follow:


Although not everyone can have an apple tree in their house, this fruit is common and consumed regularly in many homes. That is why it is good to know that the apple seed is highly toxic to cats, causing vision problems, alterations in breathing and dilatation of the pupils.


The apricot tree is also a very common plant that is poisonous for cats, like the apple tree its seed is highly toxic for this animal. The symptoms are similar to those produced by poisoning with apple seeds: difficulty in breathing, dilatation of the pupils and damage to the eyes.


Very typical of Christmas, the poinsettia is a plant that is poisonous to cats in their entirety. If the animal eats or nibbles any of its parts, it may be affected. The latex inside produces irritations in your skin and eyes, itching and blisters, while if you consume the plant, the animal may experience diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and damage to the mucous membranes. It is best to keep it out of the reach of the cat so as not to take risks.


The eucalyptus is another very common plant, perhaps not in most of the gardens, but in open or wooded areas, so if you usually take your cat for a walk, it is very important to be attentive to their presence. Its intake produces in the feline vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and excessive salivation.


Marijuana due to its clear effects on the human body, is also very toxic for cats. If the animal ingests it, the coordination of its movements will be affected, it will present vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, tachycardia and, in more extreme cases, it may convulse and go into a coma.


The sago palm is a very common plant in public and private gardens, but despite its harmless appearance is one of the most toxic for cats. After ingestion, the animal presents vomiting, diarrhea, gastroenteritis with bleeding and, in cases of more severe poisoning, liver damage and death.


Tulips are very common plants at home, but their bulb is harmful to cats. Of eating it they can present / display vomits, diarrhea and gastric irritation, a less severe picture in comparison with other plants, but equally harmful for the animal.


Another flower very common in the gardens are the lilies, if the cat ingests it will suffer a picture in which there is high blood pressure, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and malaise that can severely affect the health of your feline.


The azalea gives a huge touch of color and life to our garden, but it is very toxic for cats, even leading to death in cases of severe poisoning. If the animal eats its symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, hypertension and coma.


The begonias are very attractive, but we must keep our cat away from them, because when tasting them the animal will experience a burning sensation and irritation in the mouth and tongue, difficulty in swallowing and vomiting.


Ivy is a very common element of gardens, the plant in general is toxic to cats, but its fruits are extremely harmful, so we must take special care to keep them away from the feline. If the animal touches the plant it can present dermatitis, rashes and blisters. If it is consumed, the symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, fever, malaise, spasms, a decrease or increase in heart rate and, in more extreme cases, it can produce coma and death.


Diphenbachia is a classic in many homes, the latex that circulates inside is very toxic, but since the symptoms occur as soon as the animal begins to eat the plant, it is very normal for the cat to stop eating it. On contact it can cause skin irritations, inflammation and blisters, if swallowed the animal will feel pain and burning in the mouth, swelling in the throat and stomach, difficulty swallowing, vomiting and respiratory distress.


These are some of the plants most commonly used, present in many houses and gardens, which are toxic to our cat. However, the list is much wider, and you can check it on this website.