What is the best age to neuter or neuter my dog

In .com we have talked about how is the zeal in bitches or how to know if your dog is pregnant. But if you are clear that you do not want your dog or dog to have babies, it is better to think about the option of neutering or neutering your pet . But what is the best age to do it? It is a sensitive issue because there are many opinions about it. In this article we will try to guide you in this respect, but it is essential that you trust your veterinarian, since he will know better the characteristics of your dog. In this article we talk about what is the best age to neuter or neuter a dog .


The sterilization of your pet is appropriate because you will avoid overpopulation, think that most abandoned animals end up being, unfortunately, sacrificed or abandoned to their fate. In addition, sterilizing your pet brings health benefits to both males and females.

At what age

It is advisable around six months of age, although there are those who wait for the full maturity of the dog or even after the first heat in dogs.


Some dogs may have health problems that result in the prohibition of sterilization or castration. You must inform yourself about the benefits for your pet, but also about the risks associated with the surgery.

What if I do not want to neuter or neuter my dog?

Nobody is going to force you to sterilize your pet, it is a decision that you must take responsibly . But if you choose not to neuter or neuter your pet and you do not want it to be reproduced, you will have to take precautions. For example, if you have a female that is not neutered or neutered, you will have to be careful when you go with the heat that is not mounted by a male. On the other hand, if you have a male as a pet and you decide not to neuter or sterilize it, it is your responsibility to contain it safely so that it does not mount any bitch.